Stem pupils learning about robots

Creating new systems for the future

In 2018 the school developed its new 'life after levels' format to replace National Curriculum Levels and Scholar Pack/Target Tracker assessments to create more accurate and user friendly systems bespoke to the school and easier to use and share with parents. 

Monitoring pupil progress - how is this done and who is involved?

  • Each child's progress is routinely monitored on a weekly basis by the class teacher.
  • Each half term the teacher will also meet with colleagues during staff meeting time to look at the data to check that each child is making sufficient progress. Where a child is not making sufficient progress we will put in specific intervention strategies. In some cases this means accessing more adult learning hands on support. It could also mean undertaking a dedicated supplementary learning support package such as Sound Discovery (Literacy) or First Class in Number (Mathematics).
  • Vulnerable pupils and children with special educational needs are monitored closely by the teaching team with support from the Special Needs team (Mr Wright, Executive Headteacher and Mrs Smith, SEN Lead Teacher).
  • Each teacher meets with the headteacher/deputy headteacher on a half termly basis for a Pupil Progress Meeting. During this meeting all pupil data is considered and scrutiny is given to what is working well and what could be improved upon. 
  • The school uses outside agency tools to also assess and monitor pupil progress, such as Fischer Family Trust (FFT) data as well as DfE (ASP) data and Ofsted originated Inspection Dashboard reporting.
  • The governing body have an Assessment, Curriculum and Standards (ASC) remit and each half term the Headteacher and as appropriate, teaching staff , meet with the governors to share anonymous school data and discussion curriculum developments/review policies.
  • A Local Authority Adviser also meets with the Headteacher and as appropriate teaching staff to review and challenge the school on its data, to celebrate good practice and to look at areas which could be further refined. A report is issued to the Headteacher and Chair of Governors. The Adviser may also be invited by the Headteacher to look at the work carried out in class, to view books, planning and assessments.
  • Headteacher and teacher performance is appraised annually and targets given to enhance performance and help further develop provision. Pupil data and the quality of assessment data is a crucial aspect of the appraisal process.

*The impact of the pandemic and successive Lock Downs have affected data collection changing school priorities to establishing an effective recovery curriculum, regular class GAP analysis meetings and reorganisation of resources to facilitate catch up interventions (see policy section for further information on recovery and catch up strategies at the school).