Play equipment photos
Weaving poles
Monkey bars
Play trail
Double with slide

The Friends of Settle Primary School, known as the PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) meet usually once per half term to plan and run school events that bring the whole school community together. The aim of these can simply be to create a fun event all our children and families can enjoy, or to raise much needed funds to help improve the school, the provision or the enrichment activities for all children.

In the past, funds have been used to improve the school grounds with landscaping and paths, adding picnic benches, contributing to the play equipment, funding school trips and residentials, running egg hunts free of charge, helping provide gifts at Christmas for the children and more recently, raising funds to create a new well-being and sensory garden.

Please see the constitution to read how the PTFA is run and controlled and check back to read the minutes from our meetings. If you would like to be involved, either by joining one or some of the meetings,  helping at an event, helping gather items needed for events or simply keeping informed by being added to the PTFA email list and/or messenger group, please see one of the PTA members below or email:

[email protected] 

Chair: Mrs Jenny Wilson with the support of...

Vice Chair: Mrs Leona Harrison

Secretary: Mrs Megan Pain

Treasurer: Mrs Elizabeth Coultherd

School Link: Miss Laura Thompson

PTA Constitution addition re. Committee members/volunteers who are parents and also staff at the school.

The PTA needs support from volunteers to take on the different roles and to help at different events. This support is invaluable and without it, the PTA would not be able to run the amazing events that help pull our school community together and raise much needed funds for school..

Often, we will have members/volunteers who are also staff members. We want to clarify that other than the school link, currently Miss Thompson, these staff members are working with the PTA as parents. Any events should not fall on the responsibility of school staff as it is not part of their job. However, we understand these members will have a more in depth knowledge of the school and routines which can at times be very helpful. Whilst staff should be encouraged to join as parent supporters, we aim to keep them more separate by seeking key finance roles to be taken on by other non-staff members wherever possible. At times, we may need a member of staff who is also a parent, to act as a signatory.

We are always struggling to have enough help to run events, so if you can spare any time to help in anyway, big or small, it would be much appreciated!