People's in the classroom boy in the foreground reading a book

Settle CE Primary School performance data is generally in line with national and regional expectations and often pupils will exceed results attained nationally and regionally.

Early Years data shows that children at Settle CE Primary School tend to make very good progress from their entry point at Nursery and achieve a good level of development that is broadly in line with national expectations.

Our Phonic results in Year 1 are usually in line with national and regional results.

Our Key Stage One results have been on a par or exceeded national and regional performance in 13 out of the last 15 years, despite there being frequent changes in assessment expectations.

In Key Stage Two, our results have generally been in line with national and regional levels.

  • Our results show a consistent strength in the area of Writing where our standards are above the national standard. The three-year trend for Writing has 85.2% of pupils at Settle Primary meeting at least expected standards compared to 75.9% of pupils in the Craven area, 77.0% of pupils in North Yorkshire and 77.7% of pupils nationally.
  • Our reading results are slightly below the national average by 3% and this is a priority area for ongoing development. We have invested resources and training to ensure that they are on a par or exceed national figures in 2020. Forecast targets for 2020 show we should achieve a much higher percentage for the expected standard in reading and of greater depth children in all areas.
  • In Maths we dramatically increased our results in 2018 (above national results by 20%) after embedding mastery strategies across school. In 2018, Mathematics was considered a strength of the school and progress made during this year resulted in a congratulatory letter from our MP Julian Smith. Although we had a slight dip in 2019, we are still in line with national data and there are clear indicators as to why this dip occurred. Our three year trend for Maths has 81.2% of pupils at Settle Primary meeting at least expected standards compared to 71.7% of pupils in the Craven area, 73.4% of pupils in North Yorkshire and 76.4% of pupils nationally.
  • Writing and Maths continue to be a strength across school and areas that  we are continually improving, whilst reading is an area we are working on within the school development plan as a key priority area. We are delighted to report that in 2018-19 we have already seen a clear impact with some of the changes we have made and are expecting reading to stand out as key strength of the school in the years to come.