Please note that we follow Public Health Agency advice to prevent the spread of infections in our school. If a a child is physically sick then they should be off school for 48hours from the last bout of sickness. They should not be brought into school sooner or the infection will spread throughout the class and to anyone they are in contact with.
If a child has an infection that the school staff suspect is contagious, then parents will be asked to get it checked out by a local doctor before their child comes into school .
The advice below in PDf is a useful guide to schools and parents and outlines the action that needs to be taken if a child is showing signs of an infection. Please share widely so that we can help to keep the school as infection free as possible and minimise the disruption and inconvenience to others. We all have a part to play - we ask parents to keep the school informed and to follow the guidance below.
Thank you for your support in this matter.