Bullying is generally taken to mean any sort of systematic physical or psychological intimidation by those in a position of power over those who are unable to defend themselves. It implies a wilful, conscious desire to hurt, threaten or frighten someone, with the intention of causing distress. It is usually done for the bully’s personal gain or gratification, often aimed at impressing others.

Bullying can be physical or verbal or even a look. Bullying can be overt or subtle intimidation. Bullying in the form of emotional or psychological aggression is less visible to teachers, but very painful to the victims.

The attached PDF document sets school policy about bullying.

Every reported behaviour that might possibly be considered bullying is recorded in the Green File and followed up by the Senior Leadership Team. Any hint of bullying is proactively followed up by the Executive Headteacher and 'nipped in the bud'. We want all our pupils to feel safe and secure in their environment.