John Muir Award

Year 6 pupils from Settle and Kirkby in Malhamdale got together for day 1 of their John Muir Award. The award is for exploring an environmental or outdoor focus. We are working with Ellie Parker from Wild Ingleborough to learn about ground nesting curlews for day 1 (discover a wild place) and 2 (explore a wild place). 

Today we learnt about the local area, curlews and their adaptations and compared these to lots of other birds. We learnt about John Muir, who is was and why there is an award named after him and we also did work to prepare for our day on the hills, including lots of map work and coordinates.

Day 3 we will complete within literacy to create our own promotional posters and scripts to look after these unique birds (conserve a wild place) and day 4 will be where we get to work with Mrs Brown on a music project linked to this. We will then share our work with other schools at the Victoria Hall in Settle!

Thank you so much to Ellie for helping us kick start this award and for a great day!